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Welcome to the 6th International Game Sense for Teaching and Coaching Conference at Tokyo, Japan

I am pleased to invite you to join us at the 6th Game Sense for Teaching and Coaching conference that will be convened in Tokyo, Japan from November 8 to 10 in 2019. This is an exciting development for the biennial Game Sense for Teaching and Coaching conference with it being convened one week after the 2019 Rugby World Cup by Tokyo Gakugei University (TGU). It will be chaired by Associate Professor Naoki Suzuki, who has played a significant role in developing and promoting Game Sense in Japan. He has run several workshops and symposia on Game Sense in Tokyo and is well published on Game Sense and the Japanese physical education curriculum in Japanese and English.

              The Game Sense for Teaching and Coaching began in 2006 at the University of Sydney to meet the need for a regional conference on game based approaches to coaching and teaching with subsequent conferences convened in 2013 (Sydney), 2015 (Christchurch, NZ) and 2017 (Adelaide). If we count the 2014 TGfU conference in Taipei this conference would be the sixth one. All these conferences have succeeded in providing a warm and collegial atmosphere for the sharing of ideas in the ongoing development of Game Sense and other GBA (game based approaches) for coaching and teaching. Like the Game Sense approach itself, these conferences emphasize reflection, dialogue and learning. Holding the 65th Game Sense for Teaching and Coaching conference in Japan reflects the growing influence of Game Sense globally and the need to be able to adapt it to different cultural contexts. It also provides an opportunity for networking and developing understanding of physical education teaching and sport coaching in Japan for overseas visitors and for Japanese scholars, students, teachers and coaches to interact with visitors from across the globe.

              The 2019 conference follows the basic two-day format that the past three conferences have followed. In Tokyo this begins with a Friday evening welcome event that includes an offocial welcome and the opening keynote address and followed by drinks and nibbles for attendees to mix and get to know each other.

              Day 1 is committed to oral presentations divided into four basic streams. There will be three separate streams delivered on Coaching and Teaching in English and one stream in Japanese. There is 15 minutes allowed for each presentation and 10-15 mins for discussion after three papers with six papers per hour. Day 1 includes two keynotes, a symposium and a break out session.

              Day 2 is Teachers’ and Coaches’ Day, devoted to demonstrations by international experts on Game Sense coaching and teaching. Each of these workshops will run for 45 minutes on a range of team sports with ten minutes for questions. At the end of the day the conference will close with the keynote speakers and workshop presenters sitting as a panel to answer questions and interact with the audience.

              I hope that you can join us for the 2019 Game Sense for Teaching and Coaching conference in a fabulous international city that will still be buzzing from hosting the 2019 Rugby World Cup. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the conference chair, Associate Professor Naoki Suzuki, his hard working Conference Committee and Tokyo Gakugei University for convening what will be a great conference and one that anyone interested in Game Sense and other GBA should not miss




Prof.Dr.Richard Light

(University of Canterbury, NZ)

 2019年11月8日-10日に東京で開催される第6回国際Game Sense学会に皆様をお誘い申し上げます。この学会は、2年に一度開催される、体育指導とコーチングの為のGame Senseの為の刺激的な研究と研修の機会です。今回は、2019年ラグビーワールドカップ終了の1週間後、東京学芸大学附属竹早小中学校で開催されます。
 日本でのGame Senseの発展と促進に重要な役割を果たしている鈴木直樹准教授が実行委員長を務めます。彼は東京のGame Senseで何度もワークショップやシンポジウムを開催しており、日本語、英語による研究論文がGame Senseや体育関連の研究誌によく掲載されています。
 本学会は、2006年のシドニー大学でスタートしました。その後、2013年(シドニー)、2015年(ニュージーランドのクライストチャーチ)、2017年(アデレード)で開催しました。2014年に台北で開催されたTGfU会議を入れれば、この会議は第6回目の開催となります。これら全ての会議は、体育指導とコーチングの為のGame Senseおよびその他のGBA(ゲームベースのアプローチ)の継続的な開発において、アイデアを共有するための温かく協働的な雰囲気を提供することに成功してきました。 Game Senseのアプローチと同様に、これらの会議では、内省、対話、学びを重視しています。日本での第6回国際Game  Sense学会の開催は、世界的にGame Senseの影響力が拡大していることと、それをさまざまな文化的背景に適応できる必要性を反映しています。海外からの訪問者、日本の研究者、学生、現職教師、コーチのための体育科教育やスポーツコーチングの理解を深めるネットワークを構築し、世界中の訪問者と交流する機会を提供します。 
 2019年の会議では、過去3回の会議に引き続き、2日間の開催を予定しています。金曜日の夜、基調講演会と交流会を含む歓迎会でスタートし、1日目は口頭発表やシンポジウムなどの学術的な研究発表を中心に組織します。2日目は世界のGame SenseやTGfUを牽引する研究者や実践者を講師とした体育指導とコーチングのワークショップを実施します。
 Game Senseや他のGBAに興味のある人にとって、見逃せない学会です。2019年のラグビーワールドカップの開催で盛り上がっている国際都市東京で、2019年の国際Game Sense学会に参加して下さることを切に願っております。

Past  Conference

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